FishArt. Participatory Art for the Ocean at Fishermen’s Harbour_kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the of the EU NEB FishArt project is held on the 26th of February at the Municipality of Anzio, Rome (Italy) with representatives of the administration and the Capitaneria di Porto.

FishArt is a 10-month international project funded by the New European Bahahus Cross-KIC Connect 2024 written by and granted to Chiara Certoma’ (UniTo – now at UniRm1) and led by Laura Corazza (UniTo), in collaboration with Raw-News, Platoon and the fishermen cooperatives of Anzio (Rome, Italy). FishArt promotes a radically participatory art and education process supporting the requalification of the Fishermen’s Harbour in the coastal city of Anzio, Italy.

[photo G.Lupinacci/Raw-News for SeaPaCS]

During the kick-off meeting with dr. Monaco, Anzio City Council and mar. Costabile, Capitaneria di Porto, the project inspiration, the programme and the logistic details have been discussed.

The project presentation by Chiara Certomà is available here:

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